Dear Customer,

We are writing to you, in accordance with our commitment to information transparency acquired last March, in relation to the energy surcharge that the ceramic sector is forced to apply to the sale price of our goods given the volatility of the prices composing our costs. Energy prices, with great weight in our production costs and in the raw materials that are produced with it, continue to be at exceptionally high levels.

Energy prices, with great weight in our production costs and in the raw materials that are produced with it, continue to be at exceptionally high levels. The average TTF index, indicating gas price, has grown out of proportion again this month of July.

Additionally, the price of the rest of the raw materials continues to rise and is strongly influenced by the increase in transport costs.

Given that we are reducing production due to the necessary maintenance stops, for the month of August we have decided to make an effort and we are going to exceptionally reduce the energy surcharge to 50%.

Although July has not ended, the average TTF of natural gas for that month will not vary substantially and we have already calculated the % energy surcharge that will be applied to the prices of our products that are charged during the month of August.

The The July average TTF for the month is 164,98 €/MWh

Applying the envisaged formula

% Monthly Energy Surcharge = 0.256% x (TTF month average – 70)

The result is:

% Monthly Energy Surcharge = 0,256% x (164,98 – 70) = 24,31 %

Exceptionally, we have decided to apply during the month of August 12 %, for the loads to be made that month, assuming a significant part of the increase.

This decision is final, so there will be no review or final communication of it on the 1st of next month, as in previous months.

We will keep a copy of this communication available at:

We will come back to you on this issue next 25th August.

However, remember that this surcharge is exceptional and temporary. It will be withdrawn when the situation stabilizes.

With our best wishes for your summer holidays, we remind you that our commercial staff will be at your service and completely available during the month of August*.*.

Thanking you for your trust, yours sincerely

The Company Management

* The week of August 15 to 19 we will assist you from Alcañiz as we close our Onda logistics and commercial center