ISO 50001 certification is an international standard aimed at establishing, implementing and guaranteeing an Energy Management System (EMS) within the organization. At GRES ARAGÓN, we’ve integrated the energy management system as part of our Quality and Environmental Management System.
In May 2023, we earned ISO 50001 certification for the energy systems at the GRES ARAGÓN plants in Alcañiz. With this certification, we can guarantee that GRES ARAGÓN has an energy efficiency management system aimed at reducing consumption and, therefore, its environmental impact.
For more than two decades, GRES ARAGÓN has continued making investments to replace the main natural gas-consuming thermal equipment, which are dryers and furnaces. These investments have achieved enhanced energy efficiency in our processes.
Besides major investments in new production lines, GRES ARAGÓN has been making investments and taking action in recent years to improve its energy efficiency, including:
- The renewal of our diesel fleet to electric vehicles: forklifts and LGVs (laser-guided vehicles used inside the plants to move intermediate products between the various manufacturing phases).
- The migration of light fixtures inside the plant and outdoor lighting to LED technology. These measures have been accompanied by automated power on/off with the installation of photocell switches.
- The replacement of translucent windows in the warehouses to maximize the natural light available.
- The migration from IE1 efficiency motors to others that are even more efficient, such as IE3 at the very least.
- Energy audits at our plants.
- Compressed air audits to detect and correct any leaks in the compressed air distribution system.
Taking one more step towards decarbonization, GRES ARAGÓN-FAVEKER installed two self-consumption photovoltaic generation systems in 2023 for a total of 1,212 kWp of installed power.
The production processes are being studied at GRES ARAGÓN and products are being designed to work on variables that will lead to reduced consumption of raw materials and energy without affecting product quality. These include:
- Optimizing the firing and drying curves
- Reducing manufacturing shrinkage
- Maximizing residual heat recovery from firing furnaces for drying processes
At GRES ARAGÓN-FAVEKER, we offer sustainable architectural solutions. Products and processes certified for their sustainability and contributions to enhancing the energy efficiency of the projects where they are installed. Products like Faveker®️ ceramic ventilated facades which, when installed on renovated and new buildings, obtain substantial energy bill savings all while helping reduce CO2 emissions. Our no. 1 strategic line is “Sustainability: More Value, Less Impact”; and the company’s efforts are aimed at achieving this.