How has covid 19 affected our work?

How has covid 19 affected our work?

At Gres Aragón y Faveker we have a full protocol to prevent Covid 19 infections among employees and visitors

Our employees receive a surgical mask every day at the factory entrance, its use is compulsory throughout the work center.

Frequent hand washing with soap or hydroalcoholic gel distributed in each work station is recommended.

Thanks to the wide spaces in the production plants, our workers can maintain interpersonal safety distance.

Dining rooms, changing rooms and offices are thoroughly disinfected by the cleaning staff and by the workers themselves.

In our offices, workers are separated by security screens, in addition to constant ventilation, with opened doors and windows. We also have CO2 measurers that indicate the quality of the air in the spaces and can intervene if values that put health at risk are reached.

Implementation of videoconferences between our centers and workers to avoid displacements in meetings.

– Implantación del teletrabajo por turnos en aquellos espacios dónde no es posible una correcta ventilación o no se pueden garantizar las distancias interpersonales.

– Todos los transportistas nacionales y extranjeros se les mide la temperatura en la entrada.- Las visitas presenciales se reducen a las estrictamente necesarias, y cuando se producen, se hacen tomando las mismas medidas aplicadas a los trabajadores del centro.

In this year and a half we have not detected a single contagion of Covid in our facilities in Gres Aragón and Faveker. WE BET ON SAFE WORK!